Starbucks Drink for Hangover Relief: Sip Your Way Sober!

Starbucks’ Medicine Ball is a popular drink for hangovers. It’s a soothing blend of tea, lemonade, and honey.

Starbucks’ Medicine Ball, also known as the Honey Citrus Mint Tea, is favored for its soothing qualities, making it a popular choice for hangovers. This hot beverage combines Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea, Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea, steamed lemonade, and honey, creating a comforting and revitalizing drink.

The combination of mint, citrus, and peach flavors helps to alleviate nausea and rehydrate the body. The warmth of the tea also provides a calming effect, helping to ease the discomfort often associated with hangovers. Perfect for early mornings or afternoons, this drink offers a delightful way to recover and get back to feeling your best.

Starbucks Drink for Hangover Relief: Best Drinks to Beat the Blues

Feeling under the weather? Let’s explore the best Starbucks drinks to help you recover from a hangover. We’ll discuss popular options, caffeine content, and other factors to help you choose the perfect pick-me-up.

Starbucks’ Secret Menu: Hangover Remedies

Struggling with a hangover? Starbucks has secret drinks that can help. These drinks are not on the official menu but are crafted by skilled baristas.

Discovering The Unofficial Hangover Drinks

Here are some of the best unofficial Starbucks drinks for hangovers. These are popular among regulars who know the secret menu.

  • Medicine Ball: This drink includes Jade Citrus Mint Tea, Peach Tranquility Tea, hot water, steamed lemonade, and honey.
  • Green Tea Latte: A soothing mix of matcha green tea, steamed milk, and a touch of sweetness.
  • Cold Buster: A blend of hot water, steamed lemonade, and honey, with a splash of peppermint.

How Baristas Craft Sobriety Sips

Baristas have a knack for creating these hangover remedies. They use specific ingredients to craft these drinks.

Let’s look at how they do it:

  1. Medicine Ball:
    • Start with two tea bags: Jade Citrus Mint and Peach Tranquility.
    • Add hot water and steamed lemonade.
    • Finish with a touch of honey.
  2. Green Tea Latte:
    • Mix matcha powder with a bit of water.
    • Add steamed milk and a sweetener of choice.
  3. Cold Buster:
    • Combine hot water with steamed lemonade.
    • Add honey and a splash of peppermint syrup.

The Science Of Hangover Relief

Feeling sluggish after a night out? A Starbucks drink could help. Let’s explore how the ingredients in your favorite Starbucks drink can aid in hangover relief.

Ingredients That Combat Dehydration

Dehydration is a major cause of hangover symptoms. Starbucks drinks can help combat this. Many Starbucks drinks are rich in water. Water is essential for rehydration.

Some drinks contain electrolytes. Electrolytes help balance your body’s fluids. A good choice is the Coconut Water Latte. It has natural electrolytes.

Another great ingredient is milk. Milk contains both water and electrolytes. Opt for a Latte or Cappuccino to boost hydration levels.

Caffeine And Recovery: A Double-edged Sword?

Caffeine can be both helpful and harmful. It depends on how much you consume. A small amount of caffeine can reduce headaches. It can also improve alertness.

However, too much caffeine can cause dehydration. It acts as a diuretic, which increases urine production. Choose a drink with moderate caffeine, like a Flat White or Americano.

Pair your caffeinated drink with water. This helps balance the dehydrating effect. Drink water alongside your coffee for the best results.

Top Starbucks Picks For Hangover Recovery

Feeling the effects of a hangover? Starbucks has some excellent drink options to help you recover. Whether you need something to rehydrate or give you a boost, these drinks are perfect. Let’s explore the top Starbucks drinks for hangover recovery.

The Revitalizing Green Tea Elixir

Green tea is known for its incredible health benefits. At Starbucks, green tea options come packed with antioxidants and soothing properties. These help alleviate hangover symptoms.

  • Jade Citrus Mint Brewed Tea: This tea contains lemongrass, spearmint, and lemon verbena. It’s refreshing and hydrating.
  • Matcha Green Tea Latte: Matcha is rich in antioxidants. It provides a gentle caffeine boost without the jitters.

Both options are great for rehydrating and soothing an upset stomach.

The Smoothie Solution: Blended Remedies

Starbucks smoothies are another fantastic hangover remedy. They are hydrating and packed with essential nutrients. These smoothies are also delicious and easy to drink.

SmoothieKey IngredientsBenefits
Strawberry Banana SmoothieBanana, Strawberries, Whey ProteinRich in vitamins and protein, helps recovery
Chocolate SmoothieAlmond Milk, Banana, Cocoa, ProteinBoosts energy and satisfies cravings

These smoothies are loaded with essential nutrients. They help rehydrate and nourish your body.

Customizing Your Drink For Maximum Benefit

Starbucks offers a range of drinks that can help ease a hangover. Customizing your Starbucks drink can make your recovery smoother. Let’s look at some ways to do this effectively.

Adjusting Sugar Levels For Gentle Recovery

Too much sugar can spike your energy and then crash it. Opt for drinks with moderate sugar levels. Try these options:

  • Unsweetened Iced Coffee: Add a splash of milk for a gentle boost.
  • Green Tea Latte: Ask for half the syrup to cut down on sugar.
  • Cold Brew: Add a touch of honey instead of sugar.

Reducing sugar helps you feel steady. It prevents sugar crashes that can worsen hangover symptoms.

Electrolytes On The Go: Salts And Add-ins

Electrolytes help you rehydrate and recover faster. Starbucks offers various add-ins to boost your drink:

Add-inBenefitRecommended Drink
SaltReplenishes lost sodiumTry a Salted Caramel Cold Brew
Coconut MilkContains potassiumGreat with an Iced Matcha Latte
Emergen-C PacketsBoosts vitamin C and electrolytesMix with a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher

These add-ins can help you rehydrate and feel better quicker. Customize your Starbucks drink to maximize your hangover recovery.

Hydration Hacks With Starbucks Refreshers

Starbucks Refreshers are not just tasty. They help you hydrate after a fun night out. Packed with vitamins, they can be your go-to drink for hangovers.

Fruit Infusions: A Burst Of Vitamins

Starbucks Refreshers come with fruit infusions. These infusions provide a burst of vitamins. Each sip gives you essential nutrients. They are made with real fruit juices.

Some popular options include:

  • Strawberry Acai
  • Mango Dragonfruit
  • Very Berry Hibiscus

Each of these drinks contains natural fruit flavors. They are also low in calories. These drinks help replenish your body’s lost nutrients.

The Coconut Water Crossover

Coconut water is another key ingredient in many Starbucks Refreshers. It is known for its hydrating properties. Coconut water contains electrolytes that help balance your body fluids.

Here’s why coconut water is beneficial:

HydrationReplenishes lost fluids quickly.
ElectrolytesBalances sodium and potassium levels.
Low CaloriesHelps maintain a healthy weight.

Combining fruit infusions with coconut water makes Starbucks Refreshers an ideal hangover remedy.

The Role Of Milk And Alternatives In Soothing Stomachs

Experiencing a hangover is never fun. Choosing the right drink can help. Milk and its alternatives can soothe your stomach. Starbucks offers various options to cater to everyone’s needs.

Dairy Dilemmas: To Include Or Not?

Many people find dairy products comforting. Milk in your Starbucks drink can ease a hangover. It coats the stomach and reduces acidity. This can make you feel better faster.

But, not everyone can handle dairy. Some people are lactose intolerant. This means they can’t digest lactose, a sugar in milk. Drinking dairy can cause discomfort for them.

Starbucks offers non-dairy options for these customers. Let’s explore some of these choices.

Plant-based Options For The Lactose-intolerant

If you can’t have dairy, don’t worry. Starbucks has many plant-based milk alternatives. These are great for soothing your stomach without causing issues.

Milk AlternativeBenefits
Almond MilkLow in calories, gentle on the stomach
Soy MilkHigh in protein, smooth texture
Coconut MilkRich and creamy, easy to digest
Oat MilkHigh in fiber, soothing and creamy

Each of these alternatives offers unique benefits. They can be used in your favorite Starbucks drinks. Here are some popular choices:

  • Almond Milk Latte: Light and nutty flavor
  • Soy Milk Cappuccino: Creamy and high in protein
  • Coconut Milk Mocha: Rich and tropical
  • Oat Milk Flat White: Smooth and satisfying

Choosing the right milk or alternative can make a big difference. It can help soothe your stomach and make your hangover more bearable. So next time, pick wisely at Starbucks.

Beyond Beverages: Snacks For Hangover Help

Starbucks isn’t just for your morning coffee fix. Their snacks can help too. After a wild night, the right snack can make a big difference. Let’s explore some snacks that can help with a hangover.

Pairing Protein With Your Potion

Protein helps repair your body. It provides energy too. Starbucks offers protein-packed snacks.

  • Protein Boxes: These come with eggs, cheese, and nuts. Perfect for a quick pick-me-up.
  • Chicken Wraps: Tender chicken with fresh veggies. Easy on the stomach.
  • Turkey Sandwiches: Lean turkey paired with whole grain bread. Simple and satisfying.

The Best Bites For A Delicate Belly

Sometimes your stomach needs gentle snacks. Starbucks has options for that too.

  • Banana: Easy to digest and full of potassium.
  • Oatmeal: Warm and soothing. Topped with fruits or nuts.
  • Yogurt Parfaits: Creamy yogurt with fresh fruit. Gentle yet filling.

Choose the right snack to help your hangover. Starbucks has you covered.

Navigating Starbucks With A Queasy Stomach

Waking up with a hangover is never fun. Navigating Starbucks with a queasy stomach can feel overwhelming. Knowing what to order can make a big difference. Starbucks offers many drink options that can soothe your hangover symptoms. This guide will help you make the best choices.

Ordering Tips For The Hangover-stricken

When your stomach feels fragile, simple drinks are your best bet. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Opt for Herbal Teas: Choose mint or ginger tea. These can soothe your stomach.
  • Go for Light Brews: Select a blonde roast coffee. It’s less acidic.
  • Stay Hydrated: Order a large water or an iced drink. Hydration is key.
  • Milk Alternatives: Choose almond or oat milk. These are easier on the stomach.

What To Avoid When You’re Feeling Fragile

Certain drinks can make your hangover worse. Avoid these options:

DrinkReason to Avoid
Espresso ShotsToo strong and acidic. Can upset your stomach.
FrappuccinosHigh in sugar and dairy. Can worsen nausea.
Mocha DrinksContains chocolate. Can be too rich and heavy.
Citrus DrinksHigh acidity. Can irritate your stomach lining.

Choosing the right drink at Starbucks can help ease your hangover. Follow these tips to feel better fast.

Creating Your Own Hangover Drink At Home

Feeling the aftermath of a fun night out? A homemade Starbucks-inspired hangover drink might be your solution. This guide will show you how to make a refreshing and rejuvenating drink from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Diy Starbucks-inspired Remedies

Recreating a Starbucks hangover drink at home is easier than you think. These DIY remedies are effective and simple to prepare.

  • Matcha Green Tea Latte: Mix matcha powder with steamed milk and honey.
  • Cold Brew Coffee: Brew coffee overnight and serve it with ice and a splash of milk.
  • Honey Citrus Mint Tea: Combine green tea, mint tea, honey, and a squeeze of lemon.

Essential Ingredients For A Recovery Kit

Having the right ingredients on hand can make all the difference. Here’s what you need for your hangover recovery kit:

Matcha PowderBoosts energy and antioxidants
HoneySoothes the throat and provides natural sweetness
Mint TeaHelps digestion and freshens breath
LemonRich in Vitamin C and aids hydration
Cold Brew CoffeeGives a smooth caffeine boost
Steamed MilkProvides comfort and a creamy texture

With these ingredients, you can create a drink that not only tastes great but also helps you recover faster. Enjoy the process of making your own Starbucks-inspired hangover remedies!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Starbucks Drink Helps With A Hangover?

The Starbucks Honey Citrus Mint Tea can help with a hangover. It’s soothing and hydrating. The mix of flavors is refreshing. The tea can ease nausea and headaches.

Can Starbucks Coffee Cure A Hangover?

Starbucks coffee can provide a caffeine boost. It may help alleviate headaches. However, it can also dehydrate you. Pair it with water.

Is Green Tea Good For Hangovers?

Starbucks’ Emperor’s Clouds & Mist green tea is a great option. It’s hydrating and full of antioxidants. It can help detoxify your body.

What Starbucks Drink Hydrates After A Hangover?

The Starbucks Iced Passion Tango Tea is hydrating and caffeine-free. It’s a refreshing option to rehydrate your body. The fruity flavors are invigorating.


Starbucks offers great options to help ease your hangover. From refreshing teas to energizing coffees, there’s something for everyone. Next time you feel under the weather, give one a try. Your body will thank you, and you’ll be ready to tackle the day ahead.

Enjoy a better recovery with Starbucks.